Editorial: By: Alex Temple - MSTv First off, I know I might get a lotta negative feeling about this comment, but its my opinion and my editorial, so its my call. I gotta say, I can't stand frigging Elmo. This little red/orange, high-pitched speaking and laughing sock puppet annoys me to no end. When I first discovered the character as an adult, I thought Grover (way cooler) had an annoying kid or something. But, this isn't about Elmo, but rather the man who perfected the character's image, Kevin Clash. My annoyance by the iconic Muppet doesn't extend to its innovator; the man who turned a stale idea on Sesame Street into a marketing phenom and universal friend of children, Kevin Clash. I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed in Clash resigning his position; and I'm sure I'm not alone in this feeling. But, my concern isn't for the incident he's been involved in. I actually don't care that he had a "relationship," or whatever, with some guys who are now obviously hustling him. No, I care that a man who worked himself up from nothing, only to eventually achieve his dream is letting something like this take it all away from him. Clash appears to be a big, likable chap and a little introverted. But, no one can argue that he isn't amazingly talented in his craft. He single-handledly grew a failed Muppet idea into the actual flagship of the most recognized and beloved educational kid's show in the U.S; if not the world. This is a man, hand-picked by his mentor Jim Henson (Muppet creator) himself, to be his heir apparent toward his work and vision being continued. That's not a bad outcome for a young Black kid from Baltimore, Maryland who just loved puppets and got a chance to prove himself to his hero. No, that's not a bad outcome at all. Again, I couldn't give a rat's ass about Elmo. But, the feeling and meaning behind the Elmo character, which for all intents and purposes is "love," all originated from within Kevin Clash. But love is a fallible emotion within the human condition. Its an emotion subject to loss, mistakes and bad judgement--mistakes Clash was all guilty of when he hooked up with some guy who allegedly, but really might have been some Times Square rough-trade hustler who later screamed "jail-bait." (I said "allegedly" because I can't prove what this guy was/is and I don't have 125,000 to pay in a libel suit. So, you the reader judge for yourself. But come on, look at this dude, guys!!!) The screwed up parts are we all know this "guy" knew who Kevin Clash was when he hooked up with him. Yes, Clash should pay for his crimes is these "guys" were under age. But, if they were not, should we judge Clash for a bad call of judgement? Also, if Clash is gay, should it matter? To all these issues, I say your opinion is your own. But I say Clash screwed up--how he's handling the situation is just screwing it up more.
For me, I say weigh this man on his all around character, not his stupid mistake. Its bad enough we deify personalities just because they make their living entertaining us on the idiot box. But first and foremost, these people are just people working a job or career. As such, we should respect them for who they are and their skill within their craft only. We should never put any human being above reproach, because that way lies disappointment. Kevin Clash is a brilliant innovator and highly skilled at his craft; but he is just a man--a fallible and very human man. Now, we as adults and parents need to make ourselves heard to those in charge of Sesame Street and PBS, if need be. Kevin Clash needs and deserves to return to his position asap. This is a man who has entertained and taught our children love, acceptance and lessons of humility, failure and humanity for over 25 years. If he can teach our kids true lessons of life, his personal life should remain just that in our eyes --personal. Clash has faced and admitted his fault to the public; something we had no right to ask him to do, nor did he have to. And because of this act, he felt or was compelled to step away from the position he dreamed of, earned beyond reproach and loved. I think no one has the right to take that away from Kevin Clash - not even Kevin Clash.
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April 2018
Jude's Korean adventures
Alcohol in South Korea All bars and local night establishments are filled to the brim with things you have seen in all other places like Jack Daniels and Jagermeister. However you may spy a little green bottle with Korean writing on it and you may ask what is that? It's called Soju, my friends or 소주 for the Hangil inclined (Korean Language). Soju is a spirit primarily made from rice, barley, potatoes or tapioca and has an average alcohol content of 20% ABV however there are some brands of Andong Soju that are upward of 45% ABV. None the less, they will both get the job done. Soju has a taste very similar to vodka but it is slightly sweeter and easier to consume by itself. Now we get to the matter of cost and availability; however rest assured the answer will be qiute positive. Soju is available all over South Korea from the local convenience store for 1,000 Won = roughly $1 or in a restaurant for 3,000 Won =$3. So these adult treats certainly won't set you back any considerable amount. It alco mixes quite well with beer, cider, and energy drinks. Soju has been around since the 13th century and shows no signs of going anywhere anytime soon. So when you get the chance come on down to the Republic of South Korea and have a shot of deliciousness. Jude Falcon |